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Our full policy manual is available for you to answer any questions you might have about our Library policies. All policies must be approved and voted on by our Library Board of Trustees. 


Library Cards

A valid BCCLS Library Card must be presented at the Northvale Public Library circulation desk to charge out, borrow, pick up, or renew library materials.  Residents of Northvale may apply for a free library  card. Proof of residency must be shown upon application. A valid form of identification is required. 

Acceptable forms of identification to obtain a BCCLS card must be one of the following without exception: 

A valid DMV issued NJ Driver's License or ID Card

A Current Vehicle Registration/Insurance Card

A Current Tax Receipt

A Mortgage/Lease Agreement

A Current Utility Bill

Juveniles (ages 17 & under) will be issued a card under the authority of their parent or guardian. The parent or guardian must be present (with valid form of ID) to co-sign the child's application. The parent or guardian is ultimately responsible for the return of all material checked out to the child and financially responsible for all fines and replacement costs incurred by the child. The child must be present at the library. Library cards are valid for three (3) years. At the of the three (3) year period you will be asked to present identification that verifies your residency in Northvale and your card will be renewed for another three (3) years. 
Library Cards are valid for 3 years, you will be asked to present proper iden
tification at time of renewal.

Patrons whose employment requires them to reside in Northvale are entitled to a resident library card. In the case of a live-in nanny/live-in au pair/live-in housekeeper/other employee required to live in Northvale, the following must be provided: A letter from the employer that shows the employer's name, address, and phone number and which states that the employee is employed by the Northvale employer. These cards must be renewed annually.

Non-Resident Courtesy Cards

Patrons who attend the Northvale Public School and/or Northern Valley Old Tappan High School or work in Northvale and do not live in a town with a BCCLS library, are eligible for a courtesy card.  Students must show proof of enrolled status (i.e. a student ID/report card). Student courtesy cards are issued in the spirit of supporting student reading and the school curriculum. Workers' I.D. must show employee's name, employer's name and employer's address. I.D. with home address must be shown as well. Courtesy cardholders may borrow up to 50 items from the Northvale Library's collection ONLY. The courtesy cards will be held at the circulation desk. Courtesy card patrons are restricted to walk-in use at the Northvale Library only. The library also extends this privilege to active member volunteers of the Northvale Emergency service agencies (fire, police auxiliary, ambulance) that are not residents of Northvale and who have no other access to a public library in the Bergen County Cooperative Library System (BCCLS).

All other non-residents of Northvale may purchase a Northvale library courtesy card for an annual fee of $300.00. Courtesy cardholders may borrow up to 50 items from the Northvale Library collection ONLY. The courtesy cards will be held at the circulation desk. Courtesy card patrons are restricted to walk-in use at the Northvale Library only.


The following activities are NOT allowed in the library:

  • Smoking (e-cigarettes, tobacco, and/or tobacco products)

  • Bring food or drink into the library. Water bottles are allowed, but MUST be capped and are NOT to be taken near the computer areas.

  • Be under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

  • Engage in any illegal activity while in the library building 

  • Interfere with the use of the library by other patrons, or interfere with library employees' performance of their duties.

  • Deface or mar library materials, furnishings, walls or other library property.

  • Enter the building without a shirt or shoes (patrons whose bodily hygiene is offensive so as to constitute a nuisance to other patrons may be required to leave the building).

  • Bring pets or animals into the library unless they are Service Animals recognized as service animals under Titles I and II of the ADA. 

  • Solicit or conduct private business within the building. Private business includes, but is not limited to: paid tutors, internet business, presentations to clients for paid services or any other private/commercial businesses.

  • Activity or conduct that is in violation of federal, state or local laws is strictly prohibited. 


Any patron not abiding by these or other rules and regulations of the library may be required to leave the library premises. Library employees may contact the Northvale Police if deemed advisable.


Any patron who violates these rules and regulations may be denied the privilege of access to the library for a set amount of time by the Northvale Public Library's Board of Trustees on the recommendation of the Library Director. A patron whose privileges have been denied may have the decision reviewed by the Board of Trustees.


Computers are available on a first come first serve basis. The library reserves the right to establish procedures for implementing time limits and/or sign-ups. The library reserves the right to end computer sessions at any time.


Patrons utilizing the computers to play games, send emails, or use chat rooms may be asked by the library staff to end their session if another patron needs to conduct research and no other computers are available. The search for materials and information takes precedence over all other activities.


Please note the following:

●       Downloading of files is not allowed.

●       Patrons access and use the Internet at their own risk. The connection provided is NOT secure. The library has NO control over the information and is NOT responsible for its content or accuracy.

●       Patrons handling financial transactions or other activities that require confidentiality do so at their own risk. The library is NOT responsible for loss or damage suffered by the patron for accessing the internet via library supplied computer workstations or wireless connections on the patron’s personal computer, tablet or smart phone or other mobile device.

●       Library staff will NOT monitor or supervise Internet access. Because the library is a public place, the staff reserves the right to end a session when material inappropriate to a public library setting is displayed.

●       Parents of minor children MUST assume responsibility for the materials accessed. Parental supervision is advised.

●       Staff will help users in getting started, but we cannot offer extensive assistance.

●       Failure to use the Internet workstation properly may result in revocation of Internet privileges.

●       Anyone tampering with the library computers will be held financially responsible for repairs.

●       During periods of high computer use, games, nonacademic email, and other non-scholastic computer use is restricted.

●       There is a fee of 10¢ per page for black & white and 25¢ per page for color to print materials. 


The Northvale Public Library uses social media to engage with members of the community it serves. The purpose of this policy is to address the use of social media by the Library, its employees, volunteers, library board of trustees, and patrons. 

Northvale Public Library social media platforms provide a public forum to facilitate the sharing of ideas, opinions and information about library-related subjects and issues to actively engage with the community. These platforms are intended to create a welcoming and inviting online space where patrons and community will find useful and entertaining information and can interact with library staff and other patrons.

Posting Guidelines:

The Northvale Public Library reserves the right, within its sole discretion, not to post and to remove submissions or comments that are unlawful or violate this policy. While comments will not be edited by the Library Director, a comment may be deleted if it violates the comment policy described here:

  • Obscenity (text or image)

  • Pornography

  • Slander or libelous comments

  • Specific and imminent threats

  • Spam and other forms of personal or commercial advertising

  • Abusive, harassing, inflammatory, profane or violent language

  • Hate speech or other content that encourages or advocates discrimination and/or harassment on the basis of race, religion, age, gender, national origin, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, or any protected category

  • Private and/or confidential information about oneself or others

  • Violations of copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property rights

  • Off-topic and/or disruptive posts

The Library is not responsible for any comments/content that appear on the website(s) posted by a patron. A posted comment is the opinion of the poster only, and publication of a comment does not imply endorsement or agreement by the Northvale Public Library.


Unattended Children under the age of 10:

Children under the age of 10 may not be left unattended in any part of the library. If children under the age of 10 are found without an adult or caregiver, staff will attempt to locate the parent or caregiver. If the staff is unable to locate the parent or caregiver within a reasonable time, the Northvale Police Department will be contacted to pick up the child.

Caregivers must be at least 14 years of age.


Unattended Children 10 years of age or older:

The above procedure will also be applied to the following situations involving unattended children 10 years of age or older:


●        If unattended child is found frightened or crying in the library.

●        If unattended child is perceived to be endangering him or herself, or that another person in the library poses a perceived threat to the unattended child.

●        If unattended child exhibits inappropriate behavior.


If a parent or responsible caregiver does not arrive to pick up children under the age of 10 within 10 minutes after closing time, a staff member will call the Northvale Police Department and turn the children over to them.


The following types of notices will NOT be displayed:

·         Notices of religious activities.

·         Notices promoting political parties, PACs, or candidates or those advocating the election of any candidate or a stand on any issues on the election ballot.

·         Posters, petitions, and the like that advocate a position on a public issue.

·         Notices or advertisements of fund-raising activities (individual or group) or of drives to stimulate membership or subscriptions. Exceptions may be made for one-time fund-raising events sponsored by community service organizations.

·         Notices of advertisements by for-profit organizations.

·         Notices that publicize ongoing programs or series of programs excepting those of tax-supported organizations.

·          Legal notices.

·         Notices of merchandise or services for sale.

·         Rental notices.


Bulletin board materials may be submitted for posting by nonprofit organizations for civic, educational, or cultural purposes. Such organizations may submit literature publicizing a specific event. Limited space generally allows only short-term notices. Notices and publications must be judged by the Library Director to be of interest to members of the Northvale community. The Library Director must approve all postings and may prohibit postings, which do not meet library standards. Library staff will place and remove postings promptly.

Library Hours: 

Monday - 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Tuesday - 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Wednesday - 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Thursday - 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Friday - 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Saturday - 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM

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Address: 116 Paris Ave., Northvale, NJ 07647

Phone: 201-768-4784


Contact Info:

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